Recently I read a comment from Dr. Wayne Dyer in which he relayed research regarding the link between acts of kindness and improved function of the immune system. According to Dr. Dyer, kindness has a positive impact on the health of both the giver and receiver. Reading the post reminded me of an article I previously read titled, The Hidden Gifts of Helping.
The article, written by Stephen G. Post, and reprinted in the April 2011 edition of (, similarly touts the many gifts found in helping others. In fact, there is a fair amount of research to back up the theory that humans are actually wired to give and help! Post calls this biologic tendency the care-connection system. The system is made up of our brain, hormones, and immune system.
Amazingly, this care-connection system, which is easily activated through service to others, has the ability to trigger the release of natural opiates, endorphins, and oxytocin. All good hormones that not only help us feel calm and happy, but can also play a role in relieving depression, speeding up wound healing, and actually helps us live longer.
Better physical and mental health and a longer, more productive life! Based on the current body of knowledge, it appears that when we give, we also receive. What better gift than health and a positive outlook.
To your health and longevity!
Kindness is difficult to give away; It keeps coming back. ~Ralph Scott
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