How is your summer going? Here in Minnesota, the crazy up and down weather pattern is settling down and we finally feel like summer is here. Hurrah! After weeks of clouds, rain, and cool temperatures, I can finally turn off my desktop light therapy box! So, with a hectic summer schedule in full swing for many […]
De-Stress. Your Genes Will Thank You!
With the stress of the holiday season upon us, I recently read, with great interest, an article about the negative impact stress has on our internal balance or “homeostasis.” In short, the article written by Garret Yount for the 2010 Fall/Winter edition of the Noetic Post, states that our preconditioned mind-set (how we interpret and […]
The Little Things in Life
I can’t believe how quickly the holidays are approaching! With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, it seems that people are already stressing out over holiday preparation and activities. How about you? While it’s true the holidays cause a certain level of stress for most people, from personal experience, I know that holiday time can be particularly […]
Writing A Personal Healing Intention
Intention lends focus to our purpose and provides direction for our actions (Forciea, 2007). When we are out of balance physically and/or emotionally, forming a personal healing intention can create a space for a deeper and more authentic connection with our physical and emotional selves. As multi-dimensional beings, we can also use healing intention to […]