Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, all that there ever will be to know and understand.” Wow! Powerful words! As someone who finds tremendous value in the study and use of guided imagery, I […]
Relaxation and Summer Fun
How is your summer going? Here in Minnesota, the crazy up and down weather pattern is settling down and we finally feel like summer is here. Hurrah! After weeks of clouds, rain, and cool temperatures, I can finally turn off my desktop light therapy box! So, with a hectic summer schedule in full swing for many […]
The Positive Effects of Imagery
On a recent outing, I came across a tree whose unique appearance and majestic beauty drew me to it. In particular, the twisting and turning of the trunk and tree limbs reminded me of the many twists and turns of my life. Yes, in that metaphoric moment, it was as if the tree understood and […]