Years of experience in a shared-parenting relationship taught me that clear, timely, and respectful communication is critical for the well-being of everyone involved. Communication that flows easily between co-parents can reduce the stress associated with living separate, yet parallel lives. It also provides co-parents the opportunity to role-model healthy human interaction. What greater gift can […]
Managing Conflict with Mindfulness
In one of his famous quotes, Einstein suggests a definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. As a process improvement professional who focuses day-in and day-out on how to make things work better, this makes perfect sense. On the other hand, as a human being, I sometimes […]
Fall in the Midwest is an amazing time of rapid change and beauty. Like clock-work, summer’s warm breezes, green decor, and longer days quietly and gently give way to autumn’s cooler temperatures, crisp autumn winds, and expansive landscapes of browns, yellows, reds, and oranges. Lately, as I experience the waning of summer and arrival of […]
Got Hope?
While listening to President Barack Obama’s inaugural address to the nation, I was struck by his use of the word “hope.” Upon hearing his passionate declaration, “We have chosen hope over fear,” I recalled a similar assertion about hope in a book by Jerome Groopman, M.D., The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail In The […]
Writing A Personal Healing Intention
Intention lends focus to our purpose and provides direction for our actions (Forciea, 2007). When we are out of balance physically and/or emotionally, forming a personal healing intention can create a space for a deeper and more authentic connection with our physical and emotional selves. As multi-dimensional beings, we can also use healing intention to […]